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Red Clover

Red Clover Clover is a wonderful source of volatile oils, carbohydrates, amino acids, flavonoids, minerals, vitamins and saponins. The red clover sprouts have virtually every trace mineral needed by the glands and they help restore and balance hormonal functions. Clover can also help in blood purification, increased energy and improving weak nerves. An abundant source of calcium and phythoestrogens, red clover exerts a blood-thinning effect.

An Anticancer Clover?

When James Duke, Ph.D., an economic botanist and former U.S. Department of Agriculture researcher, tosses red clover sprouts into salads, he isn't seeking simply flavor or crunch. Red clover (Trifolium pratense) contains genistein, an anticancer compound that prevents new blood vessels from forming with in a tumor. (Genistein can also be found in soy, black beans and peanuts.) Since tumors rely on new blood vessels to grow, genistein effectively starves the cancer.

Red clover is one of the world's oldest and most common natural cancer remedies. In fact, one study found that 33 cultures use the herb against the disease. However, it may create problems for certain cancer patients. For example, women being treated for breast cancer with the drug tamoxifen should avoid red clover because tamoxifen prevents estrogen from reaching a tumor, and phytoestrogenic compounds in red clover could undermine that action.

The scientific study of red clover is still new. Although its anticancer compounds make it an effective cancer-fighting clover.